Temples & Satsang

Satsang & Yoga in Zurich

Satsang & Yoga in Zurich

India is known as the land of spirituality, Gurus, Yogis, Rishis and teachers.

There are many renowned Indian Gurus – Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, Sathya Sai Baba, Swami Omkarananda, Mata Amrutanandamayi, the Brahmakumaris of Mount Abu, Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev, Sri Sri Ravishankar and others. Many of these Gurus have a huge following throughout the world and followers of the Gurus have established spiritual centers across the world including Switzerland.

Hence, there are many Indian spiritual organizations in and around Zurich that where one can learn Yoga, Hatha Yoga,  Pranayama and other forms of Patanjali Yoga. In addition, some of them conduct classes/discussions on Indian Philosophy/Vedanta, Meditation, Bhajans, Mantra chanting, Sloka classes and Satsang or spiritual get-togethers and volunteer outreach programs to serve the community.

Many living Gurus visit Switzerland regularly – Sri M, Sri Sri Ravishankar, Mata Amrutanandamayi Amma, Sadhguru, Swami Paramahamsa Vishwananda. We update these visits in our Upcoming Events section.

Listed below are the Spiritual Centers of these Gurus in Switzerland, offering different mediation, Yoga and spiritual programs.  Om.

In addition to conducting the Happiness programs where Sudarshana Kriya is taught,  a regular follow-up (Long Kriya) happens on Sundays.

Webpage: Art Of Living, Zurich

Bhakti Marga led by Swami Paramahamsa Vishwananda is active throughout Switzerland. Three temples have been inaugurated by Paramahamsa Vishwananda and run by his devotees and many other activities inspired by him are taking place in many regions of Switzerland.

Webpage: Bhaktimarga Switzerland

Brahma Kumaris is a worldwide spiritual movement dedicated to personal transformation and world renewal. Located throughout Switzerland, the organization conducts many meditation and personal transformation programs.

Webpage: Bramhakumaris

Established in October 1969, Centre Vedantique, is affiliated to the Order of Ramakrishna Paramahamsa or the Belur Matt. The Centre focuses on spirituality or Vedanta and has been the seat of spiritual community in Geneva for years. 

Web Page: https://centre-vedantique-ge.org/

Isha Yoga classes are regularly conducted by the Isha Foundation including Surya Kriya, Angamardhana, Bhuta Shuddi etc

Webpage: Isha Yoga -Europe

Mata Amritanandamayi or Amma as she is fondly addressed, is the hugging saint from India. In addition to the hugely awaited Amma’s annual visit to Winterthur, this organization has a lot of other activities. 

Webpage: Amma Switzerland

The Sri Sathya Sai center is located at the Wehntalerstrasse 102, Zurich 8057. The Center has regular bhajans and classes.

Address: Wehntalerstrasse 102, Zurich 8057.

Webpage: https://www.sathyasai.ch/

The SDH, the Swiss Federation for Hinduism or the Schweizerischer Dachverband für Hinduismus is an umbrella organisation for all temples in Switzerland. They organise various events like the Maha Gayatri Homa on New Year’s eve, Hanuman Chalisa chanting, Maha Rudra Yagana, an annual Diwali concert, talks on Hinduism and more.

Webpage: http://www.hindus.ch/

Temple, Vedanta classes, spiritual library, regular spiritual events at the Swami Omkarananda Ashram in Winterthur. This is a prominent center of Sri Vidya upasana.

Webpage: Swami Omkarananda Ashram in Winterthur.

The Vedanta Study Circle in Zurich is the Ramakrishna Mission of Zurich, and are devotees of  the Holy Trio, Sri Ramakrishna, Sri Sarada Devi and Swami Vivekananda. 

Webpage: https://vedantazurich.ch/

The Vipassana Meditation Center, founded in November 1999, is located on the Mont-Soleil (“Mount Sun”) in a village of the Swiss Jura mountains. 10 day Vipassana retreat and other courses are provided here.

Webpage: https://sumeru.dhamma.org/the-center-in-switzerland/

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