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Apartment Rentals

Since Canton schools across Zurich are all equally good, place of work/commute to work is the main criteria when choosing the area to live in Zurich (unlike other countries where a good school district is the primary criteria). Zurich city has an excellent public network and nominal travel fares especially with monthly/yearly travel passes, so accessibility is almost never an issue.

Many offices are located in Oerlikon, Glattpark, Hardbrucke, so Oerlikon, Glattpark, Glattbrugg, Seebach are areas where many Indians prefer to live if they have offices in this area. These areas are also close to the airport and the Indian grocery stores like Art of Food, the Shiva temple etc.

If the offices are on the other side of the city like Sihl City, Uetliberg or Paradeplatz/HB, areas like Aldiswil, Sihl City, Wiedikon, Bonstetten etc are the preferred areas of residence. Stettbach, which is one stop away from Stadelhofen and Uster are popular as well. Thalwil, is another popular alternative. Baden, too being 15 min by train by Banhof HB, the main railway station, is another hub.

Short Stay Furnished & Serviced Apartments::
Swiss Star Apartments
City Stay Apartments
EMA House

Popular websites for Apartment searches:

Sinha’s Swiss has over 60 apartments all over Switzerland for rentals – studio, sharing, holiday apartments, ladies only, full occupancy and even on daily and weekly basis, with special offers for corporate travelers for long or short term.
For more details: click here.

Student rentals:
Studenthaus Zurich, there are many listed on google. The Universities will be able to recommend a few.
Housing Office UZH/ETH
Studenten-u. Lehrlingshaus des Rotary Club Zürich, near Krishna temple Zurich.

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